Unique Achievement

Yesterday, I entered the mythical Hall of Fame of my softball community. To achieve this distinction took a feat never before seen by veteran players of several decades’ experience. What I did was to hit into a triple play!

Runners were on second and first base. So when I hit a hard grounder that almost touched third base, the fielder quickly stepped on third for the force-out, threw to second for another, and in turn the second baseman threw to first in time to get me called out.

In witnessing this unprecedented event, my fellow players went wild with excitement. As they ran in from the field, they clapped me on the back, shook my hand, and congratulated me for my feat. Our leader even gave me the ball to take home as a souvenir of the great event.

Through my long and dubious career as a softballer, I could point to many gruesome errors and misplays of large proportions. But this is the first time that a thoroughly inglorious action on my part has led to universal celebration and merriment.