History Surprised

Stupendous news, fast-breaking this morning February 11, 2013.  Benedict XVI has announced he will retire from the papacy! It will happen on February 28th, very prompt action on his part.

For decades I have been saying that popes should retire at the same age as other bishops, namely 75. But I never expected it to happen in my lifetime. The burden of history seemed too heavy for any modern pope to make this decision.

Yet, I continued to argue for the desirablility of popes stepping down.  The likelihood of dementia in later years seemed to me reason enough to justify him resigning. My hope is for Benedict’s courageous action to serve as a model for his successors.

This may go down as Benedict’s most important action in office. It must have taken guts for him to do what he has done.  Hail to the man who has broken with tradition for the good of the church he serves!