Cherry Party

A party at the home of our next-door friends and neighbors, Emily and George, proved notable for more than the cherries picked from their backyard tree and eaten by us guests.  It also brought together ten adults, both old and young.

Two of us are in our 80s, two others in their 70s. Among the women present, two seemed around 60. One of the other women is in her 30s; her boyfriend apparently the same. And two of the other women are somewhere in their middle 20s.

What struck me about this assembly was the ease we had in talking with one another.  It proved simple to exchange the experiences we described.  No awkwardness interrupted the flow of events we shared among us.  Sure, the wine may have helped (and the cherries!), and so did living close by one another, but the delight of sheer being together was the main factor.

It boosted my heart to realize how young and old can have so much to share.