
“The Jesus tablet,” is what the wags are calling the iTab just unveiled by Steve Jobs. Other wits have dubbed it “an iPhone on steroids.”

 New Yorker writer on media, Ken Auletta, shared these descriptions during a discussion at Harvard’s Shorenstein Center this week. His book, “Googled: the End of the World As We Know It,” appeared last fall.

 For Auletta, it’s not yet clear whether the iPad will be a game changer. But Job’s introduction of it shows once again what a superb marketer the founder of Apple remains.

 As to Google, its huge workforce is one-half engineers. And they are the kings of the industry.  They are the people who are always asking “why not” However, they also lack emotional intelligence astoundingly. In Autletta’s experience, “they are blind to what they cannot measure.”

Google’s founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page do value good information. That is why they welcome a connection with the New York Times. They also feel concern about privacy and copyrights.

For simplicity, how about this Google motto?  –  “DON’T BE EVIL.”